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Employers Only

It's Time to Verify Service Quarters

Look for a new item on your EWP To-Do list: To verify your employer’s service quarters and pay periods for 2025.

Complete this for all plans including KPERS, KP&F and

Working After Retirement.

What are Service Quarters?

Service quarters represent the relationship between your pay periods and when employees earn service credits. It’s the actual time worked for your employer’s pay dates each January through December.

It's True: An employer can have one or more pay cycles.

Accuracy Is Crucial

Member service credit and pay period reporting rely entirely on pay-cycle information. It must be correct. Pay cycles in KPERS’ system must match those in your payroll system or you will have problems with reporting.


You must verify & submit service quarter info,

even if you don’t make any changes.

Submit to KPERS by November 8, 2024.


  1. Review Service Quarter Base – First Payroll of the Year

  2. Correct, if necessary

  3. Save

  4. Review Service Quarter Dates (Reminder: The Service Quarter Base and first pay period in the Service Quarter Dates table must have matching Pay Dates and Begin Dates.)

  5. Confirm pay dates are not on holidays or weekends

  6. Correct, if necessary

  7. Save

  8. Validate

  9. Click Employer Info

  10. Submit to KPERS

After successfully submitting verifications to KPERS, you'll see this:

Instructions and Resources

Quick Vid: Service Quarters

Employer Manual: Service Quarters

Off-Cycle for Rest of 2024

If you need to add an off-cycle for 2024, email us at with the off-cycle pay date and the reason for it. You will be able to add an off-cycle on your own for 2025 after January 1.




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