
Employer Info Only

New DROP Calculator Feature

KP&F employees nearing full retirement eligibility now have a quick and easy way to see if DROP is right for them.

Online Account (Member Web Portal) Calculator

Members now have a "Choose your retirement program" section as part of their benefit calculator in their portal. It will ask members if they plan to enter DROP.

  • Choosing "Yes" will calculate the employee's estimated: 

    • DROP account accrual amounts, and 

    • Monthly retirement benefit amounts, based on joint-survivor and life-certain options.

  • Choosing "No" will calculate, like before, only the employee's estimated:

    • Monthly retirement benefit amounts, based on joint-survivor and life-certain options,

    • including Partial Lump-Sum Option (PLSO) amounts.

Remember: DROP participants are not eligible for PLSOs at retirement.

Example of New Section in Portal

Example of DROP Calculation in Portal

New DROP Calculator on

The new KP&F DROP calculator on is very similar to the regular KP&F retirement estimate calculator. Members can find it on the homepage under the Members/Benefit Calculators drop-down menu.

Example of KP&F DROP Calculator on

The calculator asks members the date they plan to enter DROP and other information. 

Example of DROP Calculation on

Estimates include DROP account accrual amounts and monthly retirement benefit amounts, based on joint-survivor and life-certain options.

General DROP Resources

What is DROP? (Video)

DROP Info Sheet for Members  (PDF)

DROP Webinar for Employers (Audio-Video Recording)




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