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January 2025  |  |

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4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Financial Fitness This Year

This is the time of year many Kansans set new health and wellness goals. It’s also a great time to focus on financial wellness goals that can give you peace of mind and set you up for long-term success. Here are a few ways to reset your finances and get on track for the new year.

Set Clear Goals.

It’s hard to keep your finances in check if you don’t have guardrails to guide your path. Define what your financial priorities are, then build your budget around that focus. Each month check your progress, look at what went according to plan and where extra spending popped up.

Make Your Money Go Further.

Get creative about ways to stretch your dollars.

  • Switching to more affordable versions of products you love has become easier than ever with the internet at our fingertips.

  • Many stores have digital coupons and reward programs. A few minutes loading coupons before checkout can equal significant savings.

  • Make meal planning a family challenge using weekly ads and coupons. See who can find the best savings.

  • Double check what monthly subscriptions you have and if you are using them. According to research, people have an average of four subscription services and spend about $237.33 a month on them. That’s about $2,850 per year! Stop a subscription for a month and see if you really miss it or if you can do without.

Find Resources to Help.

Look into what resources might be available at your workplace or in your community. Does your employer have an employee assistance program with financial counselors available? Do they have continuing education workshops that cover budgeting? Your local library or community center may host financial wellness courses. Check below for free financial webinars hosted by KPERS 457 and Empower.

Start or Increase Your Retirement Savings Now.

We help Kansas public employees prepare for a retirement they can enjoy. But KPERS on its own isn’t enough. You’ll need some personal savings, too.

  • If you’re just starting your career, you may think you have time, but the power of compound interest is knocking at your door. Saving a little each month in your 20’s and 30’s, can make a big difference at retirement.

  • If you’ve already been saving, try to increase your savings by 1%. Experts recommend saving 10-15% of your income for retirement. You already save 6% with KPERS (7.15% with KP&F). That means you can invest another 4%-9% in an IRA or an employer sponsored plan like the KPERS 457 deferred compensation savings plan.

Website Changes for KPERS

The Legislature passed Senate Bill 291 in 2024 to enhance online security for government agencies and those who visit State of Kansas websites. One requirement of the bill is that all state agencies have websites that end with “.gov” by February 1, 2025.

On January 15, transitioned to

Here's what you should know:

  • and our email addresses will redirect to our new URL for the foreseeable future.

  • Our new URL does have an additional S ( > due to availability and approval from the governing body. 

  • You may see varying addresses ending in both and during this transition.

No matter what, we’re here to serve you. We want you to know that and are both us, your Kansas Public Employees Retirement System, the same staff, with the same mission, always here to help.

KPERS 457 Host Free Webinars

In January and February, KPERS 457 will be hosting a number of free webinars open to all KPERS & KP&F members. Find a date and time that works for you below, and click the date to register. 



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